Friday, November 30, 2012

Daily Nudes

I am fully nude in these and my penis is erect.

Spanking 3

Let's face it, there's n graceful way to get up from over your dad's knee.  You just have to stick your red bottom in the air and crawl off.

Getting Spanked 2

Now we get to the serious part of my spanking - the bath brush.  Brushes really sting and I hate them which is exactly why they do me so much good!
Now my bottom is so sore, daddy's hard hand hurts so much more!

Getting Spanked 1

I have relatively few photos of me getting spanked.  but here are a few.
Here I am going over "dad's" knee.  You cannot really see but in the second pic he spreads my legs so I am completely exposed,
Dad used a miniature canoe paddle.  It didn't look like much, but it really stung a naughty boy's bottom cheeks!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Volume XVIII

We have started work on Volume XVIII as several of you expressed as desire for more.  We've already shot new photos with my bottom completely bare and my penis erect.

Daily nudes pt 2

I felt I cheated you on the first set today, but on this one you get the full deal.  I am totally nude, my penis is erect, you can see between my legs and you can even see my feet!  Enjoy!

Daily nudes pt. 1

Not really nude in these as it was a bit cold!  Still you have bare legs and a bare bottom!

The ones that didnt make it

Of course not every photo makes it into the Bottom Books.  Here are some that didn't make Vol. XVII.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Your daily nudes.

I will try, but I do not promise, to provide nude photos of me every day.

How happy am I to be back?

Here's a vid showing how happy I am!

Are you happy?  Are you masturbating with me?  Let me know!

Just a little bare bottom vid.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Volume XVII

By now you should have all received Volume XVII.  I would greatly appreciate your feedback.  What you liked, what you didn't like.  Would you like to see more images with my legs spread?  Let me know!

PS I really liked this cover!

Good to be Back1

It feels so good to be back showing my bare bottom to all of you1  I could hardly wait to get my pants down and my bottom out in full view again.

I hope you will all participate and tell exactly what you would like to see.  That was this blog will be better for everyone!
