Friday, April 26, 2024

Using the Dick while stripping

 The main asset for male strippers is their dick.  They have to know how to use it - here I am showing mine off

Strip Shows Available


To book Spencer for your event, or for a private Skype show, email :

Daily Nudes

The first Daily Nudes post in a few years.  Completely unedited quick shots of me. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Daily Nudes

 The Daily Nudes were a popular feature of this blog in its early days - I want to get back to posting them, but until I have some ready - here are some reposts

2 series from 2012

Monday, April 22, 2024

More vintage views


Vintage Views

 Some vintage views of my bare bottom.  Remember all the back editions of the Bottom Books are available (back to 2009).  Please email me if you would like them.

Make sure "Bottom Books" is in the title.

The above images are all from Edition 24

At work on the new Bottom Book


We're hard at work on the new Bottom Book.  It will be out soon.  Hopefully our hard work with give you hard cocks!

Monday, April 15, 2024

Chatting with viewers

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The Bottom Book Guarantee

 For those of you who have downloaded the Bottom Book PDF series, there's always a guarantee for each edition.

We guarantee you will see:

Spencer's fully bare bottom!

A good clear view of Spencer's hole

Spencer's penis

And always Spencer's face